What Is The Best Brush For Shedding Dogs? (Top 15)

Best Brush For Shedding Dogs

Every dog, no matter their breed type or lifestyle, needs a strong grooming regime.

Some first time owners may think that grooming is reserved for the show dogs that need the perfect cut for the ring, or those animals with difficult coats that require a lot of maintenance.

However, every dog needs some attention on their coat to keep it looking at its best and to keep their fur and skin healthy.

In order to do this, owners need to understand grooming and shedding a little better and know where to find the best brush for shedding dogs.

In this guide we will look at the issues of shedding and grooming with the aim of helping you to find the best dog hair brush for your needs.

[thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=””]The main body of this guide is devoted to comparing the different styles of brushes that are available, and the different brands and models within each group.

This comparison guide will help you to understand the true purpose of each type of comb or brush, the breeds they are designed for and the features to look out for in the best models.[/thrive_text_block]

Before that, we also need to take some time to look at grooming and shedding more closely, so you can better understand what these devices do, and why grooming is so important.

dog brush for shedding

Here’s Our List Of Top 15 Best Brushes For Shedding Dogs In The Market:

FURminator deShedding Tool for Dogs
– The FURminator Dog Rake
– FURminator Curry Comb
– Oster ShedMonster De-Shedding Tool for Medium to Long Coats
– KONG ZoomGroom
– Safari Pin & Bristle Brush
– Le Salon Essentials Rubber Grooming Brush
– The DakPets Dog Brush
– Li’l Pals Slicker Brush
– PETPAWJOY Slicker Brush
– Pro Quality Self Cleaning Slicker Brush for Dogs
– Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush
– The Andis Pet Steel Grooming Comb
– The Safari Flea Comb with a double row of teeth
– The Better Petter Dog Deshedding Glove Brush

Let’s start by taking a closer look at the issue of shedding

It is important that dog owners know why this happens. You also need to appreciate that you cannot stop it from happening on any breed, you can only stop excessive, unhealthy shedding and find ways to control the mess.

We need to think of the dog’s coat like our own hair. We always find loose hair, hair left in a hair brush or strands in the plug hole.

Our hair is constantly replaced with new, healthier hair and the same is true for animals.

The difference here is that many dogs – like other animals – have a seasonal moult where they shed a lot of fur at once. This often happens when they have a thick double coat for the winter and need to lose it for the summer. These moults, and other instances of shedding, need to be maintained and keep under control with the right grooming regime.

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]One thing that you will notice with a lot of the different deshedding tools on the market is that they promise to reduce shedding in dogs, often by as much as 90%. This is a clever bit of phrasing that isn’t entirely true. The tool cannot stop the dog from losing its fur, as this is a natural process. Instead, it can reduce the amount of shed hair that you find lying around and the intensity of the situation. [/thrive_text_block]

A good deshedding tool will capture a lot of loose hair at once before it is lost on the ground, or upholstery. Regular grooming minimizes the effect, not the process.

Remember that we should not try and stop the dog from shedding, they need their healthy new coat.

The importance of good grooming for health and beauty

There are two main reasons for a strong grooming regime for any dog’s coat.

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]The first is for health. It is important that we keep brushing fur for the removal of dead hair and to maintain the quality of the fur. For example, a good short hair dog brush can help with circulation and the production of oils in the skin, as well as brushing out the fur. The oils improve the shine of the coat, the dead hair is removed and the healthy fur is also tangle free.

The other reason for grooming is to keep show dogs looking good. Some breeds have long, difficult coats that always need to look their best and regular brushing is the best place to start. However, this is only true when you have the right tools for the job.[/thrive_text_block]

In order to get the best results from your grooming regime, you need the best tools for the job.

For some, there will be one particular tool out of the many different styles and purposes that does precisely what you need to keep the issue under control.

[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]The right tool will often depend on the breed and coat type of the dog and the particular issue that you have with shedding.

For example, a double coated breed with a seasonal moult will require a different approach to short-coated, single coated breed that sheds consistently.[/thrive_text_block]

Below we will look at some of the different types and the best models in those categories.

best dog brush guide

What is an undercoat rake?

The first tool to look at here is the undercoat rake. Rakes are a common choice for dog owners that really want to get deep into the coat and deal with heavy shedding.

[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]However, while they may be popular, they are only really best recommended for certain breeds.

This rake is great for double coated breeds that shed their undercoat and have big blow outs at the change of the seasons. This is because these tools tend to have wide teeth compared to some other brushes seen below, so therefore bypass the top coat and target the bottom layer. [/thrive_text_block]

The FURminator Dog Rake is a great option for anyone looking for a high quality model that will make short work of matt and get deep into the undercoat. Like many of the best, brushes, as will be seen below, there are rounded pins at just the right width to catch the undercoat without damaging the skin.

An interesting additional feature with this rake is the fact that it isn’t flat. Instead, it is is shaped to follow the contours of the dog’s back for a more effective process.

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The popularity of FURminator

With all this consumer praise and recognition of this FURminator product, it is important to take a moment to talk about the FURminator brand more generally and its popularity among dog owners.

This is a name that many of us have heard of, even if we are yet to try it, and it is a cute nod to the tenacious Terminator. There is a reputation here for a great result on unruly coats of heavy shedding breeds. A lot of this is down to the range of products that are available from this brand, and their commitment to the cause.

The first alternative option here is the bright green FURminator Curry Comb. We will discuss the purpose and pros and cons of this approach latter on.

This curry comb is similar to the rake in that it focuses on the contours of the animal’s body, but the small “rubber pimples” provide a different solution for shorter coats.

There is a different feel to this type of brush because of this interesting surface.

Where many use a series of long, often rough pin and bristles for what makers believe is the best approach, this one goes in this opposite direction. It is therefore more attractive because it looks kinder and feels nice. This feel means that it is also a great massage tool for stimulating oil production.

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On the other side of the coin is the FURminator deShedding Tool for Dogs.

Remember that there are many different models in deshedder in this range, depending on the size and coat type of the dog. Each is designed for a powerful motion and effective result with just the right sort of raking system and body.

For example, there is the model for large breeds with long hair – where the shed hair can be a nightmare if not properly collected. This model promises to reduce shed fur by 90% with the stainless steel edge and has an ejector button for easy release and disposal of the hair.

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Other powerful deshedding tools

This deshedding device above is perhaps the most infamous of all the tools that FURminator provide. Some see it as the perfect tool for the worst cases and others are a little more wary.

[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]Deshedding tools are a great idea for these thick coated breeds that shed a lot, but only with a reliable, safe product. They strip the coat of dead and loose hair from the undercoat and the results can be startling. There are many images online of bemused dogs standing next to piles of fluff, unsure how they could possibly be responsible. [/thrive_text_block]

Oster is a name that many of us immediately think of when it comes to grooming, but often for their clippers.

With the Oster ShedMonster De-Shedding Tool for Medium to Long Coats, we see a more ergonomic, streamlined model that could be easier to use than the FURminator.

Again there are softer ends to the pins, but deep penetration of the coat. It claims to remove 90% of shed hair, but results vary depending on the breed.

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Then there is the Furgopet Deshedder for Dogs with similar promises and the benefit of a stainless steel edge that is said to be more effective than a more typical rake system.

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There are many users that will look at the design and effect of these alternative models and wonder why the FURminator is so popular. Others stick with the FURminator because of the ergonomics and shape.

In the end, it depends on expectation and need when it comes to the shedding issue.

Other types of brush: metal or rubber?

This is an important question for anyone looking for a more ordinary grooming brush to deal with regular shedding. Should we use rubber brushes (curry brush) or metal pin brushes?

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]Rubber brushes are much safer for all coat types and a great way of dealing with ongoing shedding issues.

The best models work for a quick, simple daily practice and great for short haired breeds where the long bristles of the other brushes and metal pins aren’t suitable – such as a Labrador or Pointer.

Also, hairs attract in greater number to rubber and are easily removed and dealt with. Remember that the more wiry the coat, the stiffer the bristles. Bristle Brushes also help with massaging and stimulating oil production in coats. [/thrive_text_block]

There is a lot of love for the KONG ZoomGroom from many dog owners.

Many consumers are drawn to this gadget because of the brand. This is the same Kong that make those indestructible rubber chew toys.

Here we have a simple dog grooming brush with a difference in its approach, but that familiar Kong rubber. This dog-shaped brush doesn’t have bristles. Instead it runs through the coat, attracting hair and massaging the skin. It works brilliantly on short-coated dogs that love a fuss, but wont be of much use on a thick-coated breed.

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There are lots of different makers of brushes with all different types of bristles on them, from the Le Salon Essentials Rubber Grooming Brush with Loop Handle to the tougher Safari Pin & Bristle Brush for Dogs with Wood Handle.

The Le Salon model is essentially a cheaper, more basic version of the Kong model with a similar use of materials for the same purpose. The loop handle should provide ease of use, a bit like a horse brush, but some say it is a little small for their hands.

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The Safari brush gives users the best of both worlds with a gentle brush on one side and a series of tougher metal pins on the other. This could be useful for regular grooming across the seasons, and with different breeds of dog in the house.

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Then there are models that promise to be gentle and versatile for all sorts of animals, such as the Premo Soft Bristle Brush For Cats And Dogs.

The DakPets Dog Brush, meanwhile, claims to be all-purpose and self-cleaning for the best approach for pets and owners. In fact it is similar to some of the best slicker brushes seen below.

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What is a slicker brush?

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]A slicker brush is a little different from these more typical hair brushes.

It has a curved surface of many wire bristles that brush through the hair with ease. They are great for knots and tangles and for removing shed hair in undercoat.

These slicker brushes are best used on long hair or medium hairs, and work fine on curly coats too.

They are not as good on short haired breed unless they have rubber ends and are used with care. This is because you don’t want to scratch the skin.[/thrive_text_block]

The market is full of slicker brushes, such as the Pro Slicker Brush for Dogs (by HappyDogz), the Li’l Pals Slicker Brush and the PETPAWJOY Slicker Brush. There are some of the more basic brushes with a familiar shape and approach to grooming.

The key demographic for the Lil’ Pals model is clear from the name – this is best used on toy breeds and small pups.

The pins and contoured shape won’t be quite so effective on a larger dog with a thicker coat. Buyers like the gentle approach and coated tips.

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The PETPAWJOY option is a little more substantial for larger dogs and even cats.

It works well on the undercoat with its pin system, but also has the added benefit of a dotted surface on the head for a nice massage and improved coat quality.

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Then you have the self-cleaning models like the Pro Quality Self Cleaning Slicker Brush for Dogs and the Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush.

Here there is the simple addition of a button that retracts the bristles so the hair is easily collected.

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The best models also have more ergonomic shapes to the handle to prevent wrist fatigue, as well as soft bristles and a massaging effect for the well-being of the dog. There appears to be more thought in this design for a better grooming session.

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What about combs?

[thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=””]The first alternative to using a brush on the shedding coat of your pet is to use a comb.

Some will prefer to look at moulting combs for knots and difficult hair in shedding dogs with thick double coats.

These combs have two layers of pins to trap the hair. Typical grooming combs have one set and can be used on a wider range of coat types.

Remember that there are different widths and materials, and similar rules apply to the plastic and metal combs as the brushes. Also, the thinner the hair, the greater the need for wide-toothed combs.[/thrive_text_block]

The Andis Pet Steel Grooming Comb (65730) is pretty much exactly what you would expect from the name.

There is a row of metal teeth to de-tangle fur and groom pets. There is the added benefit of a fine side and a coarse side. As this is an Andis model, this is mainly for use during clipping.

However, it will still remove loose hair for daily maintenance.

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The Safari Flea Comb with a double row of teeth is a little different as it is a much finer, compact cluster of pins. Again, the main purpose is not as a shedding tool, as it is a flea tool, but it still works.

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Finally, there are the gloves

Of course there is always the option of the glove, a wearable device for grooming that actually works surprisingly well and has some added benefits.

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]This glove is often made of rubber, much like the Kong brush, and attracts hair in much the same way. The difference is that you are basically stroking the dog. This is a great idea for all those that want to make grooming more pleasurable. Stroking with the hand provides that contact with your companion that a brush cannot. The effect on shed hair is often the same, but you get a lot out of it.

Naturally, this only really works on lighter shedders, not seasonal moulters. [/thrive_text_block]

The Better Petter Dog & Cat Deshedding Glove Brush is a prime example of this method because it highlights that glove shape and wearable design, as well as a tough brush for heavy shedders.

There are some that won’t like this glove because of the use of metal pins and a tough mesh. This means it may be too rough on short-coated breeds. However, there is the promise of some great results on heavy shedding, fluffier breeds. Also, there is the benefit of that adjustable strap for different hand sizes.

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What have we learned here?

There will be some owners that come to guides like this purely looking for the best deshedding tool because they have a double coated breed with a heavy seasonal moult.

However, there are clearly more tools available than owners first assume, and far more brands to choose from than just the Furminator.

The deshedding tool is a great option for those serious issues of seasonal shedding – when it comes from a safe, reliable brand – but they are dangerous and worthless with everyday shedding.

There are brushes of different types, not just your basic bristle brush that looks like a hair brush. Again, they each have different features and factors to consider.

[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]What we have ultimately learned here is that we cannot pick up a brush and hope for the best. Instead we need to take the time to match the brush to the dog. [/thrive_text_block]

Summary: so which is the best brush for shedding dogs for your household?

Now that you know the difference between a deshedding tool, a slicker brush, a moulting comb and all the other products in between, you can take the time to understand the best model for your own dog.

Take a moment to think about the issue you are facing in terms of shedding, the type of coat your dog has, and match them to the right brush type. From there, take the time to consider different brands and pick a durable, reliable model and the right price point.

Shop smart and you and your pooch wont regret it. They can run around and shed with tangle free fur and you can contain the issue in the most convenient way possible. This all means much more time to play and enjoy your time together.

Featured Image: Instagram/shep.the.border.collie


Passionate lover of dogs and proud owner of a friendly, mischievous and energetic golden retriever named Beethoven! I’m incredibly excited to share my experiences on how best to care for your beloved pet. The more we know, the happier we and our canine friends will be!

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