Dog Training and Injuries: 7 Useful Legal Tips to Have in Mind

Dog Training and Injuries

Working with dogs can be dangerous. While people typically believe that of all animals, dogs are the most docile and obedient, that is only if they have been properly trained.

An untrained dog poses a serious threat to anyone in close proximity to it. The risks of working with untrained dogs is amplified if they come from abusive homes.

This post will explore this topic in more detail, telling you what you need to know about professional dog training, injuries caused by dogs, and making claims for compensation.

1. Seeking Legal Support

If you have been injured by somebody else’s dog, whether when training it or out in public, you need a lawyer’s support.

Under no circumstances should you allow the owner of a dangerous dog to go unpunished. Whether you work with a team of experienced personal injury attorneys in Charleston or a company from somewhere else, make sure the attorney you hire has lots of experience and positive feedback on their site.

If you are a dog trainer and work for somebody else’s business, take action against your employer. Your employer should have introduced protective measures to prevent you from being injured by untrained dogs. Dogs should have also been properly vetted prior to training so that your employer can be sure they are safe to work with.

2. Dealing with Injuries

Before you can think about legal action, you need to deal with your injuries. Dog attacks can lead to very serious injuries, depending on the location of the bites and the size of the offending dog.

You need to deal with your injuries swiftly, ideally by contacting the emergency services. If the injuries you have received are not that serious, you still need to go and see a doctor. A doctor will be able to treat your wounds and prevent infection.

It’s not uncommon for dog bites to get infected, mainly due to the fact that dogs’ mouths are typically teeming with bacteria. After you have been treated, make sure that you monitor your injuries for signs of infection.

Watching and monitoring for signs of infection will prevent you from falling seriously ill. Infections can make you very unwell and prevent you from being able to go about daily activities.

3. Escaping Offending Dogs

Immediately after an attack, you need to get as far away from the dog that has bitten you as you possibly can. If you are a dog trainer, you likely know a little bit about dog psychology.

Knowledge of dog psychology can make it easier for you to get the dog away. Make sure that you do not turn and run, as this can lead to the dog chasing you and attacking you even further. The only time it is suitable to run away from a dog is if you are confident that you can outpace it. Alternatively, if there is somewhere high that you can climb to get away from the dog, this can also be a good option.

If you work with dogs for a living, it is worth looking into self-defense so that you know how to fend off an attacking dog. Dogs could be very hard to fight off, so learning specialist tactics for deterring them is a great way to protect yourself.’

4. Understanding the Risks

If you work with dogs for a living, you need to understand the risks associated with this. Obviously, if you are a professional dog trainer, at least some of the dogs that you come across are going to have behavioral issues. You aren’t guaranteed to exclusively work with puppies.

By taking some time to understand the inherent risks of working with dogs, you will be able to protect yourself and minimize any potential injuries. Ask your employer to explain what your job will entail to you before you formally start working with them.

Consider also taking a training course. Personal experience with dogs is good but often isn’t enough to work in a professional capacity as a dog trainer. Taking a course will help you to become familiar with all aspects of dog training, from personal safety to eliminating bad habits.

2 cute dogs running

5. Professional Training

As mentioned in the previous section, if you’re planning on working with dogs professionally, you need to receive some form of training. You can either take a course at your local Community College or a school dedicated to dog trainers. Wherever you take a course, make sure that the person teaching you is experienced and knowledgeable about dogs.

In addition to taking a course, you may want to go out and spend some time with dogs if you do not already have your own.

Familiarizing yourself with the behavior of dogs makes it much easier for you to predict what they’re going to do next. Once you know how dogs behave, it’s very easy to predict their next moves.

6. Obtaining Evidence

If you have been injured by somebody else’s dog, you need to do everything you can to obtain evidence to support your claim. You won’t be able to make a claim for personal injury if you do not have evidence. The best type of evidence is an admission of guilt from the dog’s owner.

If you were injured at work, try to get your employer to admit fault. If they have liability insurance, they should be fine with this. However, if your employer argues and doesn’t want to admit fault, make sure that you take photos of your injuries and record as much evidence as you possibly can.

7. Collecting Information

Finally, if you were injured by somebody else’s dog when you were out in a public place, make sure that you get their personal contact information. If you do not have that personal information, you are not going to be able to take legal action against them.

You need a person’s personal contact information so you can pass it over to the police or your insurance company.

Dog injuries can be serious. If one has bitten you, take legal action. A claim for compensation will mean you can focus on your recovery and won’t have to worry about going back to work. The guidance given here can help you to get compensation.


Passionate lover of dogs and proud owner of a friendly, mischievous and energetic golden retriever named Beethoven! I’m incredibly excited to share my experiences on how best to care for your beloved pet. The more we know, the happier we and our canine friends will be!

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