Figs are a yummy and delicious treat, rich in fiber and sweet in taste that your dog will definitely enjoy on a hot summer day.
Perhaps you are wondering and asking “Can dogs eat figs?” “Are figs bad for dogs?”
I have good news for you; this article is going to tackle this and more.
In case you have got some fresh figs from the market, yes you can go ahead and share with your canine friend.
Is it actually safe to give your dog some figs or is it harmful to them?
Read on to find out more about this.
Table of Contents
Are figs bad for dogs?
The answer is a simple no! It is actually safe for dogs to eat figs.
This yummy fruit has a high content fiber which makes it a very healthy fruit for your canine friend.
? However, just like any other treat, you need to give your pup as a small treat in moderation. Too much ingestion of this yummy fruit may cause your dog to have stomach upsets that may result in diarrhea.
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You need to also know that figs are very high in sugar. The natural sugar content in figs is high hence may lead to a number of health issues like:
– Diabetes.
– Obesity and Cardiovascular/ heart diseases.
With that being said, when you actually give your dog figs with moderation, you dog will experience some profound health benefits.
The high dietary fiber content in figs can help to regulate your dog’s bowel movements which are important in keeping your dog’s weight in check.
Fresh figs and figs in general do contain a high amount of potassium. This mineral is helpful in regulating your furry friend’s blood pressure.
[thrive_leads id=’7777′]Figs are not toxic to dogs. So you need not panic when your dog has accidentally consumed this fruit. However, you need to monitor him closely just to make sure that he does not have any allergic reactions to figs.
Symptoms that you can be on the lookout for include the following:
– Rash on the skin or in his mouth.
– Coughing.
– Watery eyes.
– Itchiness.
– Vomiting.
– Wheezing.
– Rashes.
– Decrease in appetite.
– Excess salivation.
– Skin inflammation.
In case you notice any signs of allergic reactions you need to contact your veterinarian immediately.
If your dog is not allergic, you need to make sure that you give him fresh figs. You need to be wary of dried figs.
? Dry figs are not good for dogs because they are loaded with three times the normal calories and also they have a lot of sugar and less water. This can also easily cause your dog to constipate so never ever give your dog dry figs.
[bctt tweet=”Dried figs contain a lot of calories and natural sugar which may lead to illnesses like diabetes and even obesity in your dog’s later years.” username=”howtrainthedog”]What are some of the health benefits of figs?
1. Good source of natural sugar:
Figs are a good source of natural sugar which your dog needs for energy.
Giving your dog this yummy fruit allows him to have plenty of energy which he needs for his daily activities.
Natural sugar is healthy sugar. There is a glaring difference between the manufactured sugars and natural sugar that is contained in the fig fruit.
Added sugar is found in most junk foods and is likely going to cause illnesses along the way unlike natural sugar which is healthy and boosts your energy levels immensely.
2. Rich in dietary fiber:
The moderate fiber that is contained in figs is also very good for your dog’s colon health and general weight control.
Figs have quite a decent amount of dietary fiber in them which is healthy for your dog. Research shows that the amount of fiber contained in figs is nearly the same as that contained in other fruits and vegetables.
It is low in calories and your dog can gain excellent health from consuming fig fruits regularly.
? If your dog is in need of something sweet and you don’t want him to grow overweight or obese, you can always opt for the fig fruit. Actually, according to canine nutritional experts, it also helps to prevent constipation in your dog.
3. Loaded with Potassium:
As highlighted, figs are also a rich source of potassium hence they do help to regulate blood pressure hence making sure that your dog’s cardiovascular health is on check.
4. Good for the heart:
Figs are also known for their cardiovascular benefits in us humans and of course they can also offer your dog the same health benefits.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]ALSO READ: Can Dogs Eat Mango? Or What About Pineapple?[/thrive_text_block]How much figs can dogs eat?
Moderation is key when giving your dog figs. It is the general rule when it comes to feeding your dog his meals and even his occasional treats.
So, you must be wondering and asking yourself how much figs should you give your furry friend?
? Depending on the size of your dog, you can give her half a fig if she is a small dog and if your dog is a larger breed, just one fig or two would be enough.
You can always give your dog figs maybe once or twice a month and for the rest of the time you can switch to other healthy treats.
Make sure that the figs are kept out of your dog’s reach lest you come back from work and find that your dog has over-indulged himself in the yummy fruit.
[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]Eating too many of them may cause diarrhea, which is something you wouldn’t wish for your canine friend. [/thrive_text_block]? If you are giving your dogs figs for the first time, make sure that you start off by giving her small pieces first.
Observe how she reacts to the fruit. You can gradually increase the pieces of fruit if you noticed that your dog is not allergic to this sweet fruit.
Are fig leaves safe for my dog to eat?
This is the other major concern for most dog owners. The confusion is between the normal fig leaves and the weeping fig leaves.
? The weeping fig plant is actually very toxic to pets generally. The fact still remains that they both come from the same fig family but they are actually different plants.
That is the reason why you need to keep your dog away from this weeping fig plant.
In case you suspect that your dog has eaten leaves from this fig plant, you need to induce vomiting or you take him to the veterinarian as soon as you possibly can.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]ALSO READ: The Best Organic Dog Treats For Your Furry Friend [/thrive_text_block]Can dogs eat fig newtons?
Fig Newtons are not toxic for your dog but they are not perfectly suitable for them either.
For those who might be wondering, fig newtons are a popular snack or food that includes pastry that is filled with paste made using the fig fruit.
Sometimes doctors prescribe biscuits and figs after meals to help improve your digestion which according to them was the culprit behind most illnesses.
Fig newtons therefore are a convenient snack because they combined the both the biscuit and the fig fruit.
Today it is quite normal to eat fig newtons as snack but what about giving the same snack to your furry friend?
[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]Fig newtons are not toxic to your dog but they are certainly not the best treat for them either. [/thrive_text_block]
Why then are Fig Newtons bad for dogs?
If you make it a habit of giving it to her as a treat every now and then, it may have severe long-term effects on your dog’s health.
This is likely to happen due to several ingredients that are present in fig newtons like:
About 13 grams of sugar in 2 newtons and very high levels of fructose corn syrup. This can be the cause of obesity, diabetes and also may cause hyperactivity in your dog.
There is also a high amount of partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil in fig newtons. This may end up causing gossypol poisoning in your dog.
Not to forget other artificial flavors contain sulphur dioxide and sodium benzoate. These ingredients are not very healthy for your dog so you should steer clear of fig newtons.
How to serve figs to your dog?
One of the easiest and simplest ways to feed this sweet fruit to your dog is to simply cut it into small pieces and give it to him raw.
? Give your canine friend only a few pieces of it at a time to also avoid choking him with the fruit. Don’t give whole pieces to your dog as it can easily get stuck in his throat.
Just in case it happens to be his first time eating this fruit, make sure to start by giving him only a few pieces of the fruit just to see how he handles it.
There are dogs that do have a hard time when it comes to digesting the fruit and others are prone to allergies. Such delicate dogs need to be treated with utmost care and consideration.
If you also feed him too much too quickly, your dog may end up having a bloated stomach which may cause him to be restless and unhappy. He might develop gas and during extreme cases, your dog may also experience bouts of diarrhea.
In order to lower the risk of your dog experiencing any digestive issues, you can try serving this fruit together with your dog’s regular meals.
? However, remember that this is a just a once-in-a-while kind of treat but it should never ever be a meal replacement.
Always give your dog fresh fig fruit and not dry figs because of what we have mentioned earlier. Dried figs contain a lot of calories and natural sugar which may lead to illnesses like diabetes and even obesity in your dog’s later years.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]ALSO READ: 5 Superfoods for Dogs [/thrive_text_block]How to be extra cautious when you grow your own figs?
It is good not to assume that each one of us lives in the suburbs and not in a ranch perhaps in the countryside where you can actually grow your own figs.
You could also be having a fig tree in your backyard, who knows? So then, if you are lucky enough to be growing figs in your garden or back yard, you will have to take extra precaution in order to protect your dog.
Figs usually grow on the Ficus tree which is toxic to dogs. You need to make sure that your dog does not come into contact with any part of the Ficus tree or even consume its leaves.
[thrive_text_block color=”red” headline=””]The Ficus tree and all its parts except its fruit, which is the fig fruit, are toxic to your canine friend. Make sure your dog does not eat or come in contact with it.[/thrive_text_block]
Myth about boredom and your dog’s food
When coming up with this article, I also came across a lot of myths and misconceptions about giving your dog the same food every day.
There are sources that claimed that when you give your dog the same kind of food everyday it may cause him to get bored with it.
While this may be entirely true for us humans, when it comes to dogs, it is a totally different case altogether. There are pet owners that use this as an excuse to feed their dogs with much more of this fruit than they should.
Actually, let me make this clear, this could not be any farther from the truth. We humans get bored quickly from eating the same type of food daily but dogs don’t.
In my life I have seen dog owners feeding their dogs high quality dog food from known manufactures for many years but the dogs still eat the food with enthusiasm, wagging their tails at the sight of their feeding bowl.
This is what I am trying to say, do not overfeed your dog on treats like fig fruits as healthy as they are while you neglect their regular meals. That would be utterly wrong.
In a nutshell, figs are a healthy and nutritious treat that you can afford to give your dog once in a while.
Figs are not toxic and are absolutely safe for your dogs to eat once you remove the peelings and cut them into small pieces.
You only need to be cautious and give your dog this fruit in moderation as too much of it may lead to serious health complications like stomach upsets, diarrhea and allergies.