French Bulldogs, also known as Frenchies, Frog Dogs, or Clown Dogs, are some of the most popular dog breeds around the world. Frenchies draw much of their popularity from the fact that they’re...
Category: Dog Training
Are Corgis Aggressive? An In-depth Analysis of Corgis’ Temperament
Like most dog breeds, corgis are mostly calm, friendly, and playful. Corgis enjoy the company of their owners and are happy to follow them around wherever they go. These dogs are also reasonably...
How to Successfully Teach Your Dog to Go To His Bed (6 Steps with Video)
As a dog owner, it can be quite distressing when it’s naptime but your canine friend doesn’t feel comfortable or willing to go to its bed. That might get you pondering about the most effective...
A dog licking its body and lips is natural and expected. A dog licking its owner is also a common doggy habit whose meanings you probably already know. What about a dog licking its owner’s bedding?...
Have you ever had a dog that you love very much, you spoil them rotten, give them all of the attention in the world, and yet they seem to favor someone else? Maybe you've wondered how do dogs...
One of the cutest facial expressions your dog will ever make is winking at you. Indeed, the image of a dog winking is sure enough to spice up the day of any dog owner out there. But apart from...