How To Train A German Shepherd Puppy

How To Train A German Shepherd Puppy

Every dog owner should know that different breeds of dogs have diverse characteristics. Because of this, the way you treat or train one kind is not the same way you train another although the basic rules are still the same. Regrettably, there is no “one size fits all” training solution for puppies.
What is important is for the dog owner to look for the best training techniques that works well for them and their dogs.

All about German Shepherds:

German Shepherds like many dog breeds are pack animals. Thus, you should make it clear that you are the leader of the pack providing necessary guidance and structure. When raising a German Shepherd puppy the basic key to best results is to ensure you are consistent with your training routines. As a general rule reward your puppy whenever it follows your instructions and do not reward them when they disobey you. In this way, the puppy will learn that by obeying you there are benefits associated with it and that by not obeying they do not get any treats. Additionally, make an effort to train your German Shepherd puppies when they are between 2 and 6 months old

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How to train a German Shepherd puppy:

In case you did not know, a German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Thus, with a consistent training schedule you should be able to train your German Shepherd much easily as you would with other dogs. However, your approach, attitude, and environment that you train your German Shepherd determine how quickly you will notice improvements.

Some popular German Shepherd puppy training techniques concentrate on the following areas discussed below.

1. Basic Training:
When it comes to basic training, numerous online puppy training courses offer great advice. As a rule, you should train your dog on how to behave near people, where to stay, and how to take his/her food. For instance, train your dog to eat only from your hand or from a designated bowl, and not from strangers. This will make your puppy a good guard dog. Remember to reward him/her appropriately.

2. Toilet training:
There is nothing as bad as when your puppy deposits his/her loads anywhere in the house. Within the first six months of training, ensure that you train your puppy how to go outside to a particular section to toilet. You also need to understand when your puppy needs to go outside to poo; this can be through barking or gentle tapings on the door.

3. Skills training:
German Shepherds have been used in many cases as guide dogs, rescue dogs, or sniffer dogs. The best way to make sure that your puppy acquires these skills is by taking him or her to a professional dog handler or trainer. Although other dogs can be trained, German Shepherds are better positioned due to their smartness and versatility.

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4. Outdoor Training:
Another basic area that your German Shepherd needs training on is how to behave when out of the compound. German Shepherds require extensive play in order to exercise. The best way of doing this is by taking regular walks at the park, or some other place. Unfortunately, distractions from other smells and animals forces dogs to pull on the leash. If this happens, immediately stop walking. This confuses the puppy and they in turn look at you. When this happens, start walking backwards making sweet voices to attract him/her to you, and when they start following you, reward them, and start walking again. This trick lets the puppies know that they need to follow and not lead; in this way you can even afford to let the leash loose in future because the puppy will already know that they need not to go when you are not leading them.

5. Obedience training:
An obedient puppy is always a gift in the house, not only will he/she not disturb you, but he will also be given extra treats for his behavior. One of the best ways of training your puppy to be obedient is by rewarding him/her whenever they obey your commands. Thus when they sit down, go to their crate, or stop barking after you issue a verbal or non-verbal command, reward them. This will help them to learn to be obedient at all times.

6. Bite Training:
One of the biggest vices that puppies develop is to bite at you, unfortunately when they are young, and their canines are not yet well developed, biting and gnawing at you is permitted. This is because this is the best way they know how to play. However as they grow old, you should learn to train them on how not to bite at your hand. This is because with time, as their teeth develop, their bites can be dangerous to you and your family members. Thus, training your puppy how not to bite will save you trips to your doctor.

7. Bark training:
Your dog will bark when they need your attention, are investigating something, are lonely, or when they are bored. However, if your puppy barks uncontrollably, it is time to investigate the cause and seek remedial measures. For instance if they are bored, make sure you have time to play with them so that they are tired by nighttime. In this way, you will be assured that your puppy does not bark for fun, but rather when trying to alert you on something important.


These are just some tips on how to train a German Shepherd puppy. Fortunately, these tips will work on most other breeds of dogs too. What every dog owner needs to know is that dog training is not a simple task. Dog training need dedication and above all the attitude and environment the puppy is trained plays an important role. As a rule, rewarding your puppy whenever they follow instructions, feeding them well, letting them have plenty of play, will not only make the training easier, but it will also be entertaining for both of you. Luckily, German Shepherds are naturally smart and thus you do not need to invest a lot of energy when learning how to train a German Shepherd puppy.

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Passionate lover of dogs and proud owner of a friendly, mischievous and energetic golden retriever named Beethoven! I’m incredibly excited to share my experiences on how best to care for your beloved pet. The more we know, the happier we and our canine friends will be!

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