How To Potty Train A Boxer Puppy: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Potty Train A Boxer Puppy

So you’ve just purchased/adopted a new boxer puppy!

Now you’ve got to actually learn, and learn very fast, how to potty train a boxer puppy.

Otherwise, you’ll be in for quite the disaster around the household and for a longer time!

Your first priority as a new puppy owner, is to learn quickly about potty training for these little guys.

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All About Your New Boxer Puppy

The great thing is that these little puppies are so cute and they make great family dogs once they have been house trained.

These little guys also really need lots of love, care, attention, and exercise in order to help them to control their own rambunctious side whilst they are young.

If you can help them with the boxer potty training then you are almost well on your way to be a successful dog owner. You will also find that owning these puppies are very very rewarding.

This is because Boxer puppies are very animated, playful, and they love to romp and jump.

Their favorite games include cuckoo games, hide and seek games, obviously fetch games, and any kinds of jumping and running games.

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The Boxer puppies grow up to become dignified and calm but they don’t live very long after they have lost their energetic side.

Once you have a Boxer puppy you will always want to have one around. Their energy and happiness is just great.

To help them with their high energy needs you should take them on really long daily walks and runs. You can do this in mild weather versus hot weather though as they are quite heat sensitive.

Taking your boxer puppy out on a walk is the first step to potty training a boxer puppy as they will learn that there are certain times of the day that they can go out for a walk and relieve of themselves in the outdoors, versus just anywhere in the indoors.

==> Check the The Ultimate House Training Guide Here

Next, your boxer puppy will need very consistent and timely leadership skills

The characteristic of the boxer puppy is a very willful working dog. Boxer puppies can be really stubborn, sensitive, and proud so you have to handle them with care.

The most important way of leading this puppy is to be upbeat, loving, and persuasive.

Boxers are great no only as loving and cheery companions but also as watch dogs. They will alert you with their barking when something is unusual. They are very protective, and very territorial. This makes them great guard dogs as well.

Boxers are great dogs for those who want a medium sized dog, for those who want a dog who they have to groom only minimally, for those who want playful and happy dogs, and for those who want a dog who is loyal, steadfast, reliable, and protective of you.

For those dog owners who cannot handle the high energy and the stubborn characteristics, as well as the rowdiness and exuberance, perhaps this type of dog is not the one for you.

The boxer puppies love a lot of attention also because their lifespans are not very long. This can be hard for dog owners but within the lifespan is a fun loving energetic companion.

The Boxer puppy was first developed as a breed in Germany.

The short hair of the dog is perfect for those who don’t want to vacuum as often as you need to with other dogs. The shiny coat of your puppy usually never gets too long.

This puppy gives a lot of attention and love to their owners but it can be distrustful of strangers. This type of puppy is typically happy and friendly. It is one of the most honest and loyal puppies out there.

One benefit about having a Boxer puppy around the house is that they are very good with children.

They are sensitive. They are protective of children, and they are patient. Children are as active as boxer puppies and so these dogs keep children occupied very well.

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When you are thinking about housebreaking and doing your initial puppy dog training with a boxer, a great thing about these puppies is that they are actually so smart.

Boxers that have a skilled trainer learn their tricks and their potty training boxer puppy routines very very quickly.

These boxers are so loyal that they are very obedient to the right trainer and the right type of training.

Boxers have above average intelligence compared to other breeds. They have a special guardian role when children and their masters are concerned.

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Tips on Housebreaking a Boxer Puppy

When you are house training a boxer puppy, remember that your boxer puppy is mostly likely stubborn. Especially if they are still really young, newborn, or are an 8 week old boxer puppy.

For up to 8 weeks, these puppies can be really stubborn, energetic, and at first harder to train. Later on, the 6 month old boxer puppy for example gets a lot easier to train.

Consequently, at 8 weeks is generally one of the best times to start breaking in your boxer puppy in the household for potty training.

Make sure not to struggle with your puppy for power, but instead, go along with their puppy ways, and their puppy behaviors.

1. The main goals are to make sure that your boxer puppy does not eliminate and relieve of himself inside the home.

2. The second goal is to provide an area for them to relieve of themselves that is accessible and available as needed.

3. The next goal is to take them out on regular walks to get out their bouncy needs for physical activity while at the same time as giving them the opportunities and the appropriate places to relieve of themselves.

4. Next, make sure that when you are housebreaking a boxer, to watch them closely, and all of the time to observe their routines, patterns, and behaviors.

Soon you will basically be able to remind them enough times not to go in the house until they are completely house trained.

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If you really need to at first, you can have a leash on the puppy all of the time so that it is always next to you in order to train it.

Make sure to let it loose at times when outdoors in a fenced area so that it can have some running and jumping to get out some of the puppy’s energy at some point in the day.

As long as the puppy is next to you for most of the day, it will be easier to ensure that it does not get into the habit of eliminating indoors.

Another way to train the puppy is to take it outdoors often enough so that it gets a chance to go.

For example, if they are only 8 weeks old, make sure that when you are potty training boxer puppies so young that they are taken outdoors every 2 hours.

When they are a bit older, like at six months, they can go out only every 6 hours or as needed. This gives these puppies plenty of time to eliminate outdoors in an appropriate setting.

Soon they will learn that outdoors time is potty time! This is the optimal situation, plus it gives them time to play outdoors and we know that the boxer puppy loves to play outdoors in mild weather conditions.

boxer puppy training guide

When you are first learning how to potty train a boxer puppy, you can take them out whenever they wake up from a nap. This includes before breakfast, and before bedtime.

You should also get in the habit of taking them out after every meal. When you notice your puppy squatting or lifting a leg, do use this opportunity to move the puppy outdoors before they eliminate.

The less time you give the puppy and the less opportunities you give the puppy to eliminate indoors, the less they will do so, until they are only used to eliminating outdoors from then on.

When learning how to house train a boxer puppy, always remember that at only 8 weeks old, a lot of times the puppies’ bowel and bladder muscles are not yet very strong. They are not able to control or hold in their elimination patterns and so you do need to go easy on them a little bit.

At first, it will be the pet owners impetus to make sure that the Boxer puppy is at the right time in the right place for eliminating. This is why we for the most part recommend that you bring them out on walks as much as possible while they are young, including after meals specifically.

As your Boxer puppy grows up from 8 weeks to 6 months and beyond, your puppy will be able to hold in his elimination patterns for much longer periods of time. At this point you can raise your expectations for not eliminating indoors and waiting until outdoors.

Also, an older puppy will likely have stronger muscles of bowel and bladder and therefore be able to hold it in for longer periods of time that way as well.

With an older Boxer, you will be able to communicate with him or her more clearly and show what your expectations are. You will also have the luxury of being able to expect that your Boxer puppy not eliminate while you are away at work, in doors, but wait until you are at home.

This is one great thing about these really determined willful dogs. You really need to be on your puppy from early on though in the potty training regimen so that they respect you, understand your guidelines, and meet your expectations for potty training.

As they get older, use their intelligence and above average smarts to your advantage. Show them and communicate clearly with them to show them where you expect them to go to the bathroom.

A dog might get confused quite easily if you constantly give them mixed messages about what you want them to do. Eventually the puppy will just give up on trying to please you and just eliminate anywhere they see fit.
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  • Make sure you choose a very consistent location and communicate that consistently.
  • Make sure the area that you want them to go in is actually 8 feet or greater in diameter.
  • Don’t use this area as a play area or other area, use it specifically only for elimination. This will keep the communication clearer.
  • Don’t just use a random area outside, make sure that you are specific as to where outside you would like them to do their potty training in.
  • Always bring them to the same consistent place outdoors when you do your training with them. This is essential for communication purposes with your Boxer puppy, especially when they are younger.

The things you need to train out of your Boxer puppy at a young age is when they get nervous, they might actually go again right after coming back to the house after their training session outdoors. Sometimes this is because they did not have enough time to stay outdoors and finish what they started.

At other times it is because they haven’t learned yet, and are on the trajectory for learning, or they have consolidated their learning yet of what they are and aren’t supposed to do.

Sometimes the puppy may not have had the drive to go outside, but then tried to. Their brain was primed to go, but it didn’t come later, so they ended up going the minute they got back indoors. This is not the Boxer puppies fault, but it is because of the fact that they do not yet have good control over their bowel and bladder functions.

Also, it’s important that the puppy feels comfortable with their surroundings. At first, your puppy may need to sniff around to be sure that they are comfortable with the area you have chosen for their elimination. They may also just be exploratory, wanting to learn all about that area.

It is important to allow them time to sniff around and for their thoughts to reach the bowel and bladder functions. Once your puppy is relaxed, they will move their digested food through their intestinal tract in order to eliminate.

A newborn pup takes 15-20 minutes to find the right spot. After that they need about 10 minutes to do the deed. When you are first training, keep a close eye for symptoms and signs that they need to eliminate, then bring them to the spot you would like them to eliminate right away.

By watching their signs and symptoms you will be able to anticipate their elimination needs much faster.

Sometimes if they have just started indoors, you can still pick them up to show them that they should not finish indoors, or pull them on their leash. This is still very important for the trainer to do.

Another important point is not to get mad at your puppy for doing it wrongly at first. It really will take a while before they will be able to.
Still give praise even if he only finished up there. Don’t scold for what’s been done inside, as again, the dog went to the bathroom in the area he was in at the time. Taken outside enough will stop this from happening – and don’t worry, as your Boxer matures, he will be able to hold on for about 1 hour extra, for each month that he ages.

As soon as your Boxer is done with their business, give tons of praise. A puppy has no idea that he did something right, unless it is conveyed to him via words and at times, additionally a treat. You do not need to give your dog a treat each time they “perform” good; but you should shower your Boxer with pats and tons of happy and excited words.

Act as if your dog just did the best possible action in the world! When you show that your puppy has done something so wonderful, they will try to keep doing it again and again and again. You want to keep giving them positive reinforcement until they have the behaviour as a long term habit.

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] Another important tip is to make sure not to give your little Boxer puppy total reign over the house to go anywhere, until they are completely finished with their potty training and at least 97% going in the proper spot outdoors.[/thrive_text_block]

It is important that your puppy is not allowed to even have accidents and not given the opportunities to make mistakes as this can really hamper the process of potty training.

The reason why you want to avoid accidents in the home as much as possible, is because even if you give them negative attention from making mistakes in the home, they will still see this attention as valuable and important. This will not help the process of potty training at all.

Make sure to gate off areas where you do cannot monitor the puppy at least until they get bigger and have a better sense of control of their bowel and bladder functions, as well as until they learn the potty training regimen well.

Another great tip is to make sure to allow the puppy to go outdoors to eliminate before you leave the home, and to do this again once you come back.

Try not to give negative attention for mistakes that your Boxer puppy might make along the way, or while you are away from the home. If you feel safe in your neighbourhood you can actually also take your Boxer puppy outdoors in a fenced off area.

Make sure your puppy is not in the scolding hot sun, and also make sure your puppy is old enough to be able to handle the outdoors or any animals that might be passing by your yard so that it is safe for your puppy.

Finally, when you are housebreaking your puppy make sure that you pay attention to when you are feeding your puppy water. After you feed your Boxer puppy water, make sure that you give it a chance to relieve itself of their drink about 15 to 20 minutes afterwards. This small and simple tip will really make a difference.

With all of these tips in mind, you should be able to easily get to know and potty train your newborn and newly purchased puppy.

Most of these tips have been tried, tested, and true.

If you have tried everything and are still looking for a few more tips on how to potty train a boxer puppy, you can always call a professional dog trainer.

You can also get more tips specifically on how to train Boxers. It can be training for sitting, standing, running, slowing down, or just general house rules.

Either way, these tips for general Boxer puppy training can be applied to the potty training aspect as well. If you are persistent, loving, consistent, and caring of your Boxer puppy, they will eventually learn really well how to potty train. They will always want to please you, and your new puppy ownership experience will be incredibly rewarding.

You Can Adopt a Boxer Puppy by Checking out these sites:
Florida Boxer Rescue:
Adopt a Boxer Rescue:
West Coast Boxer Rescue:
Adopt A


Passionate lover of dogs and proud owner of a friendly, mischievous and energetic golden retriever named Beethoven! I’m incredibly excited to share my experiences on how best to care for your beloved pet. The more we know, the happier we and our canine friends will be!

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