One of the top considerations when looking for a dog to adopt is its temperament. While dogs are such cute and adorable animals, nobody wants to deal with an animal that barks or growls without...
Archives: Blog
All About The Border Schnollie (Border Collie Schnauzer Mix) With Pictures
The Border Schnollie, or Border Collie Schnauzer Mix, is one of the newest hybrid dogs around. This medium-sized dog is a result of mixing the Border Collie with a Standard Schnauzer. The...
As a dog owner, you must have found yourself in a situation where your adorable canine friend requires a quick clean-up. Maybe you’re out on an all-family vacation and your pooch suddenly shows...
Oregano is a popular herb that’s used in different cuisines all over the world. The herb is famous for its delicious flavors and inviting aroma, especially when mixed with other culinary...
Chizer: All About The Miniature Schnauzer Chihuahua Mix (With Pictures)
Known for their small size and charming personality, the Chizer is considered to be one of the best mixed breed dogs out there. A cross between the Miniature Schnauzer and the Chihuahua, the...
Jello is a tasty treat for both adults and children alike. If you and/or your children love to eat Jello, you might be tempted to give your dog some of it. But can dogs eat Jello? Is Jello ok or...